Republic of Armenia Seismic safety level enhancement program
Seismic safety level enhancement program is carried out with Asian Development Bank financing. The program complies with targets of RA Government national strategy on “Disasters risks reduction” being aimed at ensuring the country seismology, individual and public security level enhancement as well as the country stable development. The program totally values as 107 million USD, 88.5 million of which is the loan, provided by Asian Development Bank.

Social Investment and local Development Project
SILD project is devoted to its approach of supplying the communities direct involvement in the projects designing, approving and works implementation process, due to demand, as it was accepted previously. With the aim of supporting more vulnerable communities efficiently, the project procedures and addressing mechanism underwent to updates, implementing primary infrastructures projects, supporting inter-community partnership aimed at local social and economic development.
Local Governance and decentralization reform (LGDR)
The LGDR activity is implementing by the support of USAID. The Project mission is to strengthen the local self-governance and to contribute the decentralization reforms in Armenia. The general objective is to support the Government of Armenia to strengthen local self-government system, to improve municipality services and to implement Government decentralization policy.

Local Economy and Infrastructures Development Project
In the year of 2016, Local Economy and Infrastructures Development project gave a launch, to be carried out by ATDF too. The aim of LEID is to improve the infrastructures services and institutional abilities with the aim of enhancing support to be received from the touristic sphere in the local economy, in the selected areas of Armenia. Due to project implementation public infrastructures in Kotayk, Lori, Ararat, Vayots Dzor and Syuniq regions are supposed to be available for residents and tourists. Private sector investment scale is supposed to be enhanced, while number of small and average enterprises is presumed to grow in the towns with rehabilitated cultural and heritage hubs.
Karps water reservoir and irrigation gravity system building program
In the scopes of Phase 1 on “Water Resources Joint Management” (WRJM) river Akhuryan, as well as by Phase 1 of” Karps reservoir and irrigation gravity system construction” (Phase 1, river Akhuryan WRJM) it is planned to build a water reservoir with total volume of 25million m3, achieving the reservoir maximal volume to 60million m3 afterwards. The construction of unfinished stronghold and auxiliary structures will secure the residential areas, located under the downstream line. This will also secure 17.000 hectare land water saturation, situated under Shirak and Akhuryan right channels.
Mechanical irrigation of 2.280 hectare land will be possible to be replaced with gravity, saving up 1.3million kvt/hour electricity annually. Regular irrigation will result in agricultural goods production increase.
As a result of river Akhuryan hydrologic observation points rearmament, extra observation point construction and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems introduction, the level of management and monitoring will be enhanced.
The program total budget makes 93.8 million Euro, 68.5 million of which is the loan provided by German Bank of rehabilitation and the other 25.3 million Euro is the co-financing of Armenian Government.
Vedi water reservoir and irrigation system construction program
Vedi water reservoir and irrigation system construction aims to improve water resources and irrigated agriculture sustainability in the fruitful lands of Ararat valley, supplying removable resources through Vedi water reservoir construction as well as networks rehabilitation and modification. The program aims to reduce land abandoning tendencies, enhancing meanwhile the agricultural production.
Vedi water is being built on Kotuts mudflow conduit, situated on river Vedi, Ararat region. Vedi and Khosrov rivers spring months overflowing are sources, feeding the reservoir. The total surface of the water reservoir is 29.4 million m3, while the surface of the cup is 135hectare.
The program total budget makes 90 million Euro, 75 million of which is French Development Agency financing and the rest 15 million is RA Government co-financing.
Jaradzor program
In the scopes of Phase 1 on “Water Resources Joint Management /river Akhuryan” plan “Lands acquisition and resettlement” is being carried out in 2 contracts coming into force in 2021 with 67 months period. The program aims to restore the affected people standard of living to the level they had before the program launch. For that purpose “Nor Jradzor” village will be constructed. It is a RA Government financed program, with total budget of 4.95 billion AMD. The new village construction will be launched in the year of 2024, completion is supposed to be in 2027.
The program key indicator is the creation of modern village with general plan and prospective development. 74 private houses will be built in the new village, supplied with 24 hour water supply, sewerage system, gas supply and a completely new educational complex with gym and open air sport center. Apart from newly built cultural and administrative complexes, production land with surface of 4 hectare has been separated, where plant of milk treatment, unit for high quality seeds and animal feed storage, as well as smart barns might be mounted. The village will have paths meant for cattle travel as well.
The program of the Government of the Republic of Armenia "300 schools and 500 kindergartens"
Our partners
Armenian Territorial Development Fund implements programs on behalf of the Government of Armenia. The main partners of the fund are the World Bank (World Bank), the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). To get detailed information about partner structures, take the next step.